Category: Blog

Can we make happiness happen?

Kate Lemerle

Did you know that 10% of the quality of your life is based on what happens to you, and 40% on how you respond to these events? Research by Sonja Lyubomirsky has shown that we all have the capacity to make ourselves happier regardless of how bad our circumstances mightContinue Reading

What is “Mental Fitness”?

Kate Lemerle

Most people know the importance of exercise and healthy eating for physical fitness. However, mental fitness gets very little press and when you ask most people what it means, they assume it’s referring just to good memory. New research is showing that mental fitness is far more complex than justContinue Reading

The Importance of Sleep

Kate Lemerle

For most of us, sleep is something we take for granted. We look forward to it as a reward for a day’s hard work, time out from our ever-increasingly busy lives. In fact, we spend about a third of our lives sleeping…but we still know so little about it. WhyContinue Reading


Kate Lemerle

Happiness is probably the most important feeling in our lives. We either bask in it when we have it, or miss it (and go looking for it) when we don’t. Either way, most people believe that it’s just another emotion that comes and goes, and we can’t make it happen.Continue Reading